This idea had been floating around for the past little while, so I decided it would be a good idea to go for it. The purpose of this blog is for University of Manitoba students (and other interested parties) to discuss interesting, metaphysical views/arguments/problems. While this is primarily intended as a metaphysics blog, we won't hate you for discussing other related subjects if there is something interesting you are working on and would appreciate the help.
Currently, I have only invited as authors people who I know are interested in metaphysics. If you are/know someone who would be interested in posting in the blog and whom I have not invited, let me know and I will add you/them.
(I think this goes without saying, but all conversations must be civil - do not include personal attacks or disparaging remarks. I will not hesitate to contact posters or remove their posts if they cross a line).
This is a really great idea, Damian. Thank you so much for this weblog.
ReplyDeleteDamian, this is great!